Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Lamp...

For centuries people have used lamps to guide them in the dark, or to light the house when it became dark. And if you were out at night walking on the road, swinging your arms, your lamp would appear to flicker in the night!

Now in modern times we don't use lamps anymore, the only thing that we have to do is to flip a switch and lights/ light floods the whole room! But did you know that there are two types of lamps? Do you know what the second one is? Let me is shaped square, and is usually flat, this one can be opened and closed! Have you guessed what it is yet?

The lamp that I am going to be talking about today is...the Bible! What...a Bible a lamp? How can that be? It doesn't shine! How is that a lamp? Well, that is what we are going to find out today.

Psalms 119:105 says, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." What is that supposed to mean? Let's find out, shall we?

Okay, lamps are used guide people when it is dark out, right? And as long as you have a fire going in the lamp it will continue to burn, but what if you fell in the path, and the light got put out, what would you do then? Would you lie there in the darkness, or would you get up? 

When we read the Bible it guides out of "darkness" (sin). It is a light unto the path! But sometimes we fall into temptations and fall on the road, our lamp falls out of our hand and is closed, it is then that we must make the choice of getting up and turning from that sin, or to continue to wallow in darkness. We can open the Bible up and it will tell us where to go, or we can stay down.

When we are faced with temptations, it is the Bible that we must quote to get out of temptation. Like Jesus did in the wilderness. That is how the Bible acts as a light to our path, if we memorize scripture and are staying in the word of God then we can meet with Satan and his army. 

But Satan also knows the Bible, so that means we must know our Bible's well enough to know if we are being deceived. So maybe just like they say, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." Maybe we could say, "A Scripture a day, keeps the Devil away." (Although you might have to use more than one scripture.) :)

"But," you say, "there are so many versions out there, which one should I choose from?" My answer...The King James Version, why? Because that version is the closest one to the Greek and Hebrew translations, and the more "modern" versions have been changed, and some verses have been left out! Which is definitely not good. 

Even the New King James Version has missing texts in it! When I found that out, I was crushed! I thought that they had just taken out the thee's and thou's and put in me and you instead. But I was sadly mistaken! 

The good thing about this lamp is, is that it will never go out, never run out of gas, and it will continue to burn, whether or not anyone reads it! It is there for comfort, and rebuke, it tells the worlds greatest love story. And most important of all it tells what we must do to be saved! 

Where shall I start reading the Bible? My suggestion is to start from the beginning, but if you start to get confused you can skip to the New Testament and read the life and story of Jesus. But make a commitment to read a little portion of it every day! Without it you could lose the way! I also don't think it is a wise idea if you just open up your Bible and pick a text, it could lead you to the wrong conclusion! Let the Bible be its own interpreter.

What is the best time to read my lamp? Early morning, when there is no one to disturb you or make any noise. That is when your mind will be the freshest! 

The Bible goes by many different names such as...A Lamp, A Sword, Bread, The Word of God, Scriptures, A Light, and many others, which ever you prefer.

And remember the more time you spend with Jesus the more you will be like Him! 

I think I am going to go read my lamp right now, how about you?


  1. All comments are appreciated! All Praise and Honor goes to Jesus! :)

  2. Excellent! Yes, we sure do need our lamps everyday and all day, we should never be without it! Thank God for preserving it for us!
