Sunday, April 15, 2012

A Leap Of Faith!

 One day, a long time ago, my mother said that I should take a spiritual gift/ gifts test, just for fun. So she read me all the questions and then I answered them all. I wondered what would be my spiritual aspects, what was the strongest spiritual gift that I had?

Well my mother figured it all up, and she told me that the top one was my faith in God, and the second one was my musical ability. I thought that it was fun to do the test, and see what the results were! Maybe you could ask someone or search it out yourself and see what talents the Lord has given you! And then you can strengthen them and use them for God's glory and honor!

Faith, the meaning is "Believing in things that are not seen." Or to trust in something that you have never have heard of before.

Everyone has at least a little bit of faith, I mean after all, they do get in a car each morning without examining it. Or walk on something without first stopping to see if it is safe. Everyone in the Universe has some faith. But there are people out there who have a lot of faith!

For instance there was a story about a little church, this church had been praying for rain, well one day they called a special prayer meeting to pray for rain. Well one of the members, a little girl, came to the prayer meeting, but she came with her umbrella! Some of the older church members smiled at such faith, others frowned. Well they prayed and believe it or not when they were done, it was storming out! Everyone got wet, except for the little girl! What a great example of faith!

Faith is necessary, if we didn't have any faith we probably wouldn't leave our house. And still, even staying in our house would take faith! Would the walls stay up? Would the roof? Without a small measure of faith we would probably die or end up losing our minds, or something like that.
Here is one thing Ellen White says about faith: 

 “Without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6). There are many in the Christian world who claim that all that is necessary to salvation is to have faith; works are nothing, faith is the only essential. But God’s Word tells us that faith without works is dead, being alone. Many refuse to obey God’s commandments, yet they make a great deal of faith. But faith must have a foundation. {FW 47.1}

Those of you who don't have as much faith as others, you can always pray for more faith, and I am sure that God will answer your prayer. But try not to be surprised about the way He does it.

Sometimes we must take a leap of faith, even though we might not know there is anything below to catch us. But I do know that God's hand is always under us, to catch us! But it takes faith to make the jump.

Usually children have the strongest faith, they look up to the people around them, and think they can do anything. Which is why children have great faith in God. It is also why Jesus says in the Bible to have faith like a little child. Because when you have that kind of faith you will believe in whatever God tells you.

But if you do only have a little bit of faith, don't worry, you can still use it for God, and in time it will grow. Jesus says in the Bible that if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can move whole mountains! And a mustard seed is a really, really small seed!

So, are you ready to take a leap of faith?


  1. Kaila, After reading through your papers, I seem to be missing one thing. Scripture plainly states that the giver of the gift is the Holy Spirit. Much of what I'm reading seems to allow the Believer to choose which gifts he/she wants rather than receiving from the Spirit which He has given them. I have definitely been given the gift of prophet. Scary at first until I was spoken through by God. Again and again, He sent me to speak to one who wasn't listening to Him. I sent you an earlier email asking to get to print a copy of your test. You may see how I would like to check out the test to assure my group that they are to receive the gift(s) that the Holy Spirit has given rather than one or more chosen by the person. My own example causes me to need to be sure I am dealing with giving my students Holy direction rather than allowing them to chose as "they" see fit.

  2. I believe you have misunderstood what I was saying. I was saying that sometimes we have gifts and talents that we don't realize that can be used for the Lord. Sometimes people don't realize that the things they do on a regular basis, such as being helpful or encouraging, being kind and etc. are gifts that can be used to further the gospel. Also you have to be careful when saying such things as claiming to be a prophet, while the Lord can speak through us, it doesn't necessarily mean we are prophets or prophetesses. I'm not saying that you are or are not, I'm just saying even the Lord's own prophets never called themselves that. All that is given to us must be backed up by the Word, and must not go against it. We must pray about everything and make sure it is the Lord leading us and then use those gifts for the Lord.
    I'm also not saying we can pick and choose gifts, but some things we can learn to do better, and things like the Fruit of the Spirit we can definitely work on. You can also add talents, such as learning to do music, or art, things like that. Others we are given naturally and our gifts of the Lord and must be used as such.... Whatever our hand finds to do, we must do it with all our might and do it to the glory of God.
    I will be praying for you and I hope that you use the talents and gifts that you are given for the glory of God.
