Sunday, May 27, 2012

The White Stone...

When we finally do get to heaven and see Jesus face to face, what a day that will be! When we shall see the King, our King in His glory!! He will give us crowns, and a mansion in which to live, and white robes to wear, and a harp for us to praise Him with. He will wipe away our tears, and there will be no death there! But that is not all that Jesus will give and do for us.

To each one of us will be given a small white stone, and on each of them is written something different, not one stone says the same thing. This white stone is signifying several things, first its color, it is white which stands for purity, those who are pure when sins abounds around them. And another thing is that it is a rock, which represents Jesus the chief cornerstone on whom we can safely build.

Would you like to know what will be written on that rock, well first of all like I said before, each one of us will be given a rock and on that rock is written a name. The name that you will be called throughout eternity! A new name with a new life!

I think it is wonderful that Jesus is going to give each one of us a new name! We won't know it until we get there, let us pray that we all make it there!

God wrote it in stone to remind us that it will last forever! Once you write something in stone, you can not erase it! And some stones are so heavy you couldn't break them. That is why God wrote the Ten Commandments on stone, but those stones were blue. Blue representing the law.

The world had tried to take God's law out of it's system, it still is for that matter. But God's laws always rule over man's law!

When we build our house on sand and if a big storm were to arise, our house and everything we own, especially our lives could and would be lost. But we should build, no, we need to build our house on the rock but not just any rock but the Rock of Ages, Jesus. He is the chief cornerstone.

Now for those of you who might not know what a cornerstone is let me try and explain. When building anything a house, church, store, etc. People need a good foundation. The cornerstone was used as a main object to hold whatever they were building in place. So they needed a big, strong, and heavy stone for the foundation to be solid!

Throughout the Bible we find many mentions of stones and rocks and other things like that. A rock or pebble killed Goliath the giant. Moses was told to strike the rock for water and then another time he was instructed to speak to the rock. Thus symbolizing what would happen to Christ, first He must be stricken and killed, but when He rose all we need to do is go to Him and speak what we need and He will rescue us from the storm of life!

As you can see there are many instances in the Bible where it speaks of rocks. There are many more than I mentioned, why don't you read about it? And then maybe tell your favorite story to someone!

Let us always have our future goal in mind, to be with Jesus forever! :) And let us build our hearts upon the rock, Jesus. I want one of those white stones someday, don't you?

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