Thursday, December 20, 2012

A Day To Remember...

In five days the world will begin what is known as Christmas. People place lights all around and exchange gifts with each other, it's a day to spend with family and friends. The world has made this holiday very commercialized. How, you may ask, does this have to do with a day to remember? If you will hang in there with me, you will soon find out. =)

Christmas was made a holiday to commemorate the birth of Jesus, since no one knew His exact date of birth, the government selected December 25th as the day the world would commemorate it. Scholars have figured out that Jesus was most likely born sometime in the fall, September to the beginning of October, but most everyone commemorates the birth on December 25th.

The world has changed that holiday by putting a fictitious character called Santa Claus in the mix of everything, who lives in the North Pole and has a workshop and reindeer that fly and elves who help him out. The world has made the holiday to be more geared toward giving gifts to each other, and just plain busyness.

So many people are so busy worried about getting stuff for Christmas and the hustle and bustle that it contains, they don't take time to smell the roses, or if you live in a cold state, feel the snowflakes falling! They don't get to spend time with the ones they love, they just worry about what a big hassle it is.

I believe that this time of year should really be focused on what we could do for others, who could we bring cheer to, is there a family in need that could use something that you have, or why not sing to some shut in elderly. Instead of wasting our time and money buying things that we never use or need, why not buy something for someone else that you know they could use.

You could also make a special thank offering to the One who came down to this Earth long ago. He is the One who we should remember at this time of the year, we should once again thank Him for making such a huge sacrifice to come down to this dark and sinful planet, so that we could be saved.

Yes, this is the day that the world remembers as Christmas, but this year try not to think about the worry or get caught up in the excitement, try and do something for someone in need. After all Jesus came down to this Earth because we did have a need, and that need was a Savior!

I want to remember others and the true meaning of Christmas, don't you?

P.S. Happy Holidays! =D

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I want to remember what Jesus did for me and give Him a special thank you offering this season.
