Thursday, December 13, 2012

Feeling The Wind

One of my favorite things to do when it is windy out is to throw out my arms and let the wind blow! Many people ask, how do you know God is real? I like to tell them, it's like the wind, you don't know that it is there, but you can feel it's presence. God is like this, we can't see Him but we know He is there by the things He does in our lives.

 When Jesus was here on this Earth, right before His ascension to heaven, He told His disciples that He would send the Comforter. Jesus was talking about the Holy Spirit, it is because of the Holy Spirit that we can feel God's presence in our lives.

The Holy Spirit tells us when we are doing things that aren't right, or gives us suggestion we could do to make someone else happy. The Holy Spirit is the third member of the Godhead, they are three different people but they work together as one. 

Like the wind we can't feel His presence but we know that He is working, each one of us could tell stories of how He maybe rescued us from an accident, or worked a different kind of miracle in our life. He is the one who puts peoples lives in our paths so that we can share the truth with them. 

Wind will come and go where it pleases, it works in mysterious ways. The Holy Spirit works like that on a soul, it comes and begins the gentle working of breaking the heart of stone and revealing the heart of flesh that is beneath. 

When we are sad or when we are happy He is their and telling our sorrows and our joys to Jesus. He is like a translator for us. =)  

Sometimes the wind is strong and seems to blow everything apart. The Holy Spirit sometimes has to work with us the same way, we may not like how He is dealing with us and we may resent it, but if we give into His loving ways, He will lead us back to a calmer direction. 

I love to feel the wind, but I also want to feel God's presence in my life, don't you?