Friday, June 8, 2012


Would I have what it takes to stand up for God under all circumstances? Would I have what it takes to have enough confidence to go through what Daniel, Joseph, Joshua, Esther, and Paul went through? What exactly defines courage anyway? How do I know I have it?

There are so many people in the Bible that had courage in the most difficult situations. And yet I wonder, if I were to be put in the same situation would I have reacted the same way, or would I have acted differently. I want to say yes to all those circumstances, but when put to the test, would I be able to.

Honestly, I don't think any of us would have what it would take to have that much courage...we couldn't face anything on our own. Neither could any of the people back in the Bible times, they had to depend on something, and that something can only be one thing, and that's God.

When I think about being put to the test, sometimes it scares me to think that I might not make it. But that is when Jesus brings to my mind, that without Him I could do nothing, the only thing that I can do is lean on Him!

Courage, the very word sounds exciting, like your about to preform some heroic act. But sometimes you have fear mixed with courage. Sometimes, for some people, it takes courage to live day by day in their own house.

The Lord told Joshua many times, to not be afraid and to be of good courage. If He had to tell Joshua that so many times, what about us? Being courageous doesn't mean that you don't have fear, but to, with God's strength, face that fear.

How do I know that I have courage? I don't, but I can know that God is on my side! God tells us that when we join with Him, He will give us the courage that we need! On Him I can count on, and I don't have to worry about the situations that I might be found in, because when the situation arises Jesus will give me the courage I need, and then I can sing the walls of the enemy down, and face a king that might kill me.

Worry isn't very good for your health anyway, it causes you to be worried about unnecessary things. But yet in some cases we still worry, instead of giving the worry to God, especially mothers. Which there does tend to be a lot of worries. But if we put everything and everyone we know in His hands, well I would have to say, there is no better place for them to be!

I want to have courage, but sometimes it is so hard to place my trust completely in God. It is hard, and sometimes it doesn't always come to mind to pray. But I believe if I or anyone of us would start to pray as soon as we start to worry, God would help us with our effort, and the more we learn to trust Him the less we will worry.

I want to have courage, don't you? I want to pray for more courage, will you join me? It could be dangerous, because God usually places us in situations that will call us to place our worry or fear in His hands, but I think it will be worth it, don't you?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, we do need to have more courage! I will pray for it too!
