Sunday, June 10, 2012

Mission Assignment: Rescue

A few years back, my family and I read a story about how this family rescued these abused horses and rehabilitated them back to health and then trained them to ride, etc. I don't even remember how the story goes, but I do know a little bit of what goes into the training of these horses, not from experience, but from reading. :)

Just like it takes a special people to be able to adopt a child, it takes special people to rescue and rehabilitate these animals, it also takes time. First you most likely have to nurse it back to health, and then you must win the trust of this animal. Slowly and patiently winning the trust of this huge animal can be hard sometimes.

It could take weeks at a time to just heal the poor thing, and then weeks to win its trust. After you win the trust of these animals you must slowly teach it new things, what not to be afraid of, how to handle a rider and other things like that, which could probably take several more weeks. Sounds like a lot of hard work, doesn't it?

And yet as I think about it, those same steps that they must go through, Jesus must go through with us. He first takes us out of sin and has to begin to heal our wounds. He then has to draw us close to Him, getting our trust so completely in Him that we leave self behind. And then He must teach us new things to do, new talents we never even knew we had. And sometimes it takes years and years for God to just get us out of sin, or abuse. And it takes a lifetime to learn all the lessons He has to teach us.

So we must be like Jesus, after He saves us from our sins, and teaches us enough for us to share with others, we must go and tell those others how to get out of sin. But sometimes it will take years of patient work and of course prayer, and then when we get them out of sin, we must help them with the healing process. And then once we lead them to Jesus He will teach them how to use new talents.

It is like a circle that never stops. It continues on and on. There are so many wonderful object lessons involved in everyday life, that we don't even see. I bet we could find an object lesson at everything that God has made and everything He has put in our pathway.

So God has given us a mission assignment to do, and that is simply to rescue and to rehabilitate those that are abused by sin. We don't have to know everything, but we do need to know Jesus and pray that Jesus gives us the love in our hearts that He has toward us and them. It may not be easy, and we may be tempted to quite and give up. But Jesus will see us through if we go to Him in prayer.

You never know, if it wasn't for you, that person might not have ever known about God. They never would have been set free from the abuse of sin. And they would never be able to enjoy heaven with you. The circle starts with the healing of you, don't let it stop at you, let it continue to go around until the whole world knows about Jesus and He comes back to save us and take us home to heaven!

I want to except this mission assignment called rescue, don't you?


  1. Rescue us all Lord and help us to share you with your sons and daughters.

  2. What THE hell happend to that fucking horse
