Sunday, June 3, 2012

Watch...For What?

Watch, we commanded that so many times! But the question that often comes up is, watch for what? I mean, we can't just stare at empty space! Or just go around watching just anything. What we watch has an effect on our brain, what we hear leaves an imprint on our mind, and what we speak comes from our heart.

Jesus and the apostles all told us to watch. And I don't think they were talking about just anything! I also don't believe was talking about the time either. I believe that Jesus told us to watch for two things, both of which I will talk about and focus on.

The first one is to watch against the adversary, the devil. To watch against his attacks and his temptation. To be sober and to stand guard against the foe is sometimes hard. The devil will make us drowsy sometimes and at other times when we are not watching everywhere, he sneaks up on us unaware.

We must be careful and stand our guard, although I have to admit it is easier said then done. Which is why there is a second component in our watching. To memorize our Bible and to pray often, which one of the ways we "watch" out. Another way we watch, is if we know of a certain temptation, surrender it to Jesus, pray about it, and then when the tempter comes, flee! Don't just crawl, or even walk, the temptation could catch up with you, but you have run as if your life depended on it!

The other watching that He wanted us to do, was to watch for His second coming, for know man knows the day nor the hour, when the Son of man cometh. We must prepare for the second coming of our Lord and watch the eastern sky. We must watch the signs of earth, which Jesus listed in the Bible. These signs are taking place all over the world in rapid succession. But people in the world, those who are still blind, or not watching, don't think anything of. Now some people are aware that something is going on.

We must watch, so we can be prepared for when He comes, whenever it may happen. When you go on the Christian journey it is not the easiest pathway to walk. The way is narrow. Which is another very good reason to watch, so that we do not stray from the straight, or strict, pathway.

We must be willing to give up certain thing of this world, even those that we love. But when you think about the world to come, it is a very small sacrifice indeed! Our body is not our own, so we must protect it.

To watch is not an easy task, but it is one of the most important things we can do, and should do! But let not your heart be troubled, Jesus will see us through, when our eyes are fixed on Him, and we are under the shadow of His wing, nothing and no one can harm us! But we must first be willing to let God have complete control of our lives.

I know that I haven't done the best job that I should have to watch, but with God's help I want to watch with my spiritual eyes. My eyes I want to have fixed above! I want to make it to the heavenly kingdom and meet Jesus at last, don't you?

Won't you join me watching?