Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Influence...The Challenge

Influence is something that every person has on planet earth. Everyone you see or hear (the telephone) is under your influence! Everyone...that means going to the store or if your out walking, or whatever you may be doing, you can make a difference with the people you meet up with.

You don't have to be famous, or known, or anything, you can just smile at someone to change a life. That is why we must be careful how we act in public, because whether you know it or not someone somewhere is watching.

And not only can you influence, but those around you are influencing you! That means that we must be careful of who we hang around as well.

We as young people or youth, can make a difference. We like to be known as different, and we can do that in a good way. The way we dress, the way we speak, and our mannerism all influence others. They can tell that we are not like those around us. And then they could be more willing to enter the truth.

We as young people want to make a difference and we can do that. We can do it by being different from the world, to practice what we preach, and to live a life of selflessness. We can be different by so many things, and people will notice, and will appreciate.

This is why we must influence for good, there are so many people out there that think that we can not have any say so. But our influence is like a throwing a pebble into a lake, it has a ripple affect and soon it will reach the shores. But the question is, are you willing to let go of your pebble and be an influence to others, for good?

By one word we can change a person's heart, by a smile a person's life, by the way we act we can be noticed as unique! We can be different, but the question is are we willing to take a chance of a life time? Are we willing to stand against unnumbered foes, and unnumbered temptations? Are you willing, are we willing to be that different?

I want to be different, I want to have a good influence, I want to be that pebble, and I want to take a chance! Don't you?

So the last question I have for you is, will you join me in being a different kind of influence?

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