Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Promise in the Sky

The rain slowly was ebbing away, the sun was starting to peek out of some clouds. When I looked to one side, and there right in front of my eyes, was a rainbow! I have seen pictures also of rainbows in the sky with the sun shining down on a wet world, you can catch the rainbow and the sun playing tag with each other in a drop of water.

But the most important thing that I think of when I see a rainbow is a story that happened long ago. But it isn't just a story, it was also a promise. Let me take you back in time and share of what happened and what it means...

There was a man named Noah, (now you may have already heard this story, but just hang in there), this man talked with God. One day God told Noah about a flood that He would be sending down upon the world. He said that the world was so full of wicked people that He could take it no more.

So He told Noah to build an ark, during the time that Noah and his sons were building the ark, he preached to the people and warned them about the coming flood. At first people believed him, but as the years went by, they started to think that he was crazy! Rain, they didn't even know what that was!

Well, soon God told Noah to get in the ark, he and his family, only eight people getting on such a big ark! There was also lots and lots of animals that had come inside as well.  And so after seven days the rain came and it flooded the land. After 40 days and 40 nights it stopped raining and the boat just floated for about a year and a half.

Anyway, the boat eventually landed on a mountain, and Noah and his family were able to come out of the ark, they and the animals. And Noah and his family sacrificed animals to God to show gratitude for sparing their lives.

Then God told Noah that He would never flood this world again, and to prove it He would make a sign, and that sign was the rainbow. The rainbow would be a way to remember that God would keep His promise.

That flood also washed the Earth, one of the stages to making this wicked world pure. The final stage will be when He comes back and purifies it with fire. And then He will make a new heaven and a new earth!

So the next time you look up in the sky and see a rainbow, think back to Noah, and then think about the future life with Jesus. I want to always remember about the promise in the sky, don't you?

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