Sunday, March 18, 2012

Fiery Trials...

"Why me? What is the purpose of going through all this pain? What is wrong? Why does it always seem as if I am going through hard times?" I thought. "I just don't get it! Please Lord can you help me out?"

When I was younger I couldn't understand why this was happening to me, I didn't know what I know now. It seemed as if I was the oddball, the only different one! And it hurt! I won't admit that it didn't! You see when I was younger, I was teased! And I just couldn't understand why the Lord would allow me to go through something like that!

But now that I look back, I can see why! Forgive the people that have done it, and move on, you see I wouldn't be who I am today, if it wasn't for them! A special thank you to them, though I have now moved away from that area!

You see the Lord uses fiery trials to make precious jewels/ gems! He tries us so that we may better reflect His image! But back then I didn't know that, I didn't understand! But thanks to my mother and searching out the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy and talking to others, I can now see why the Lord seems to put us in "hot" places.

For me personally, if I wasn't teased, I wouldn't have wanted to be home schooled, and if I didn't become home schooled I wouldn't have developed my relationship with Jesus, or my mother! They're were other lessons the Lord had to teach me with that fiery trial! Forgiveness for one, and looking past what they said or did, to what Jesus thought of me. During those times the greatest comforting thought was, Jesus was teased and picked on too! Which I read in Ellen White's book The Desire of Ages. It was nice to know that He knew what I was going through!

Jesus always knows, no matter what it may be, what we are going through! He had the hardest fiery trials ever! And if we trust Him, He will help us through our fiery trials, and when we are out of the fire, we will shine!

Jesus is still seeing me through fiery trials, and I have a long way to go, but I know that for every "hot" place that I go through He will be there, to help and encourage, and to say, "My child, take My hand, hold it tight, and I will see you through!"

Just remember that no matter what fiery trials we go through, we can count it all joy to suffer for Jesus! And someday we will see the results!


  1. All comments are appreciated! All praise and honor to Jesus!

  2. The refiner's fire isn't always a great feeling but God knows best and He lets us go thru what is best for us! Praise the Lord! Great blog!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Beautiful!! This is a great testimony and message for everyone. It hit me hard and really appreciate you taking the time to share it with us. God bless you!!
