Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Secret Key

Sometimes you just wonder, "What is the Secret?" And everybody knows that a key can unlock, so all we have to do is find the key to unlock the secret, right? Do you ever feel as I do, that you just have to know what is going on, especially when it seems as if everybody is talking about it, you just have to get in on the secret as well!
But what about the secret key for the Christian life? Is there one? I mean, nobody is perfect, right? But there just has to be a secret to it all, maybe I'm not looking deep enough. Or maybe, I already know and just can't figure it out! Like it's right in front of you, or something.

Hmm.... now where did I put those keys? Have you ever heard that before, I sure have! And I have helped them find them as well! :) Well I believe there is a key to the Christian life as well. And it doesn't have to be a secret either! Everyone can know about it! All you need is a couple of "key" ingredients.

The first "key" that you will need is the Bible, the second "key" you will need is a relationship with Jesus (those quiet moments) with Him, and there is one more "key" that is absolutely essential, but I am not going to tell you till later; after all I wouldn't want to spoil the "secret of it all!"

We all talk about being converted, and being baptized. But then when we are around others we don't act like Christ! I have often wondered, "What is wrong with me? After all I am supposed to be like Jesus!" But then once again I slip and fall right back to where I was before! How frustrating!

Well I won't keep you suspense any longer... the "Secret Key" is prayer! The Bible says "Pray without ceasing," and Ellen White has these words to say, "Prayer is the breath of the soul. It is the secret of spiritual power. No other means of grace can be substituted and the health of the soul be preserved. Prayer brings the heart into immediate contact with the Wellspring of life, and strengthens the sinew and muscle of the religious experience. Neglect the exercise of prayer, or engage in prayer spasmodically, now and then, as seems convenient, and you lose your hold on God. The spiritual faculties lose their vitality, the religious experience lacks health and vigor...." {Pr 12.4}

So as you can see the true secret of the Christian life is... Prayer! And we often times forget that we should pray, I would highly suggest reading the book called Prayer, by Ellen White, it is so encouraging!

Remember the other "keys" as well, but in order to have that relationship with Jesus you must Pray! Just make sure you don't "lose" these! And tell the "Secret" to others, I am sure they would be wanting to know what the secret is all about!

It is when we forget to pray, that is when we fall! So I'll pray for you and you can pray for me. This is one secret you can share!


  1. All comments are appreciated! :)

  2. Good job, the best thing is that Jesus' second coming will not be a secret!
