Thursday, April 12, 2012

Only Today...

I stood near the sink, washing some fruit, and while I was; I looked over to the side of the fridge. When I saw a quote, and I knew, as soon as I saw it, that I should talk about this subject.

The quote is: "This is a daily matter. Each morning consecrate yourself and your family to God for that day. Make no calculation for months or years; for they are not yours. One brief day is given you, and that one-day, work for yourself and your family as though it were your last. Surrender all your plans to God, to be carried out or given up, as His providence shall indicate.In this manner you may, day by day, be giving your life with its plans and purposes into the hands of God, accepting His plans instead of your own, no matter how much they may interfere with your arrangements nor how many pleasant projects may have to be abandoned. Thus the life will be molded more and more after the divine Model; and "the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." {Signs of the Times, August 7, 1884}

It occurred to me that often times we don't act as if it were our last moments. We take for granted that we will wake up again tomorrow. But that may not be the case...

I asked myself, "What would you do differently? What would you say differently? How would you act?" Ect. And believe it or not, it had a huge impact on me. I suddenly realized that I probably would act differently, if I knew that it would be my last day on Earth.

Then I made the decision that I would try and act as if it were my last day on earth. For if it was, and I had said all sorts of unkind or mean things, that would be the last memory anyone would have of me. And I don't want to leave that kind of impression behind! After all each day is a blessing from God!

We only have this moment on Earth, tomorrow is not even guaranteed. That is why we must surrender to Him first thing in the morning, because even today you could...die. That's why at the end of the day when the work and play is done, we must be sure and say thank you to Jesus for giving another day to work.

A good thing to do is to ask for forgiveness, at the end of the day, to everyone. That way your record is clear with each one, and then of course, go to Jesus and ask for forgiveness. Now I'm not saying to put off saying sorry until night time, we should say sorry right away if we know that we have offended someone, but at the end of the day saying it again to each one, probably would make an impact on them.

For example you could say something like this: "I'm sorry for everything I said or did to hurt you, in any way, shape, or form. Please forgive me." And that way you know that you would be clear from having done anything to them. But the most important person to make amends with is, Jesus. For, He keeps a record in heaven, that one day we will have to face.  

I believe that if we were to follow the quote above, that we would become better Christians, and people would see a change and a difference. And each day that the Lord gives us, is another day to serve Him! Each day is a gift from God. So let us cherish today! After all, it might be your last.

I am going to try by God's grace. How about you?

1 comment:

  1. Good job! God help us to use today and all the days you give us to glorify and honor you!
